Getting messy is a part of life!

Today’s Topic:  Getting messy is a part of life!

Yesterday my husband and I rode our bikes along the C&O Canal Towpath from Shepherdstown, WV northwest 12 miles to Dam #4 just below Big Slackwater. After 52 miles and a bandaid bike repair last week, we thought we’d take it easy this week!  We have ridden this path many times before, and the scenery along the Potomac is beautiful.  But what struck me yesterday was the difference in the water above the dam, versus below the dam.  Guess I was looking for inspiration for this blog post, because it came to me while taking pictures of the dam.

Above the dam the water is so calm and serene.  Kind of like life at times.  Just cruising along and everything is nice and smooth.  We’ve all had those times.  Loving life and everything in it.




Then all of the sudden you go over the dam.  The bottom literally drops out from under you.  You aren’t sure exactly what to do at this moment.  You look down and all you see is rough water ahead.





You hit the water below and turbulence is everywhere.  You spend a lot of time and energy trying to get your head above water so you can see where you are going.  Sometimes you think you aren’t going to make it.


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And sometimes you think your life is like this turtle where everything is moving in slow motion.   And if you don’t hurry and get out of the way, the result can’t be good.



On our ride back from the dam, we ran through a lot of mud puddles.  I told my husband my famous line when we have stuff like this on a ride, “It’s all part of the experience.”

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So you keep riding through the puddles, knowing you are going to get muddy, and will probably have a muddy streak up your back from the spray off the back tire.






You need to experience the muddy parts to appreciate the reward that comes at the end.  Yes, your bike will be covered in mud and need to be cleaned.  Yes, you are covered in mud, and definitely need a shower.  But you have ridden 24 miles (good exercise for your body) and seen beautiful scenery (good exercise for your mind).


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But probably the best reward comes after you have cleaned up the mess you got yourself into.  A great big ice cream cone! Enjoy life and all it’s messes!


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